What’s The Length of Your Brand Film?

brand film length

When it comes to making videos, there aren’t many rules. Because videos can be as unique as the organisations creating them, with diverse aims, themes, and tactics, there is no one rule that every person or business must strictly go by.

However, the length of the video is another matter.

The ideal duration for brand and promotional video material varies between a minute and two, but due to limited attention spans, an abundance of video content, and evolving surfing habits, viewers are unwilling to commit much time to these kinds of videos. You probably don’t need anything longer than 120 seconds unless you are prepared to devote months and a Netflix-sized expense to a 20-minute brand documentary.

Furthermore, if you have trouble conveying your point within a short length of time, your brand messaging probably has to be improved.

The average online attention span is eight seconds; thus, an effective video needs to grab the viewer’s interest within that time frame. Consider your own internet, mobile, and desktop behaviour. How fast are you scrolling? How much time does it take for you to decide to quit watching anything and move on? It merely takes a few seconds for the majority of people. The human brain can recognise a picture in as little as 13 milliseconds; if the image isn’t immediately compelling, users will likely go on to the next one.

That’s why it is so important for you to plan not only what will go in the initial few seconds of your film, but also how lengthy or short the entire thing should be. If it’s that simple to do so in the initial few seconds, just think how much simpler it will be to lose someone’s attention as your film goes on.

In other words, precision is preferable. The goal is to provide as much information as you can in a brief amount of time. It goes without saying that doing this will not only assist viewers in watching the complete film, but it will also enhance its impact and recall over time. According to brand consultant Abhimanyu Mishra from Brandfizz, a 90-second video is the ideal means for guiding viewers down the marketing funnel. At this point, you can stimulate user interest, increase brand awareness, and also nurture leads who have already engaged with your brand.

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